Sunday, 9 September 2018

Hey Thirty Eight... it's a Date

I don't date much. On account of, well, being married. So I've decided that for my 38th year of life, I'm going to make a date with a series of 20 things to know for sure. And spend the next 364 days trying to be wiser to their wisdom.

1) I'm certain that I'm uncertain about what I want to be when I grow up.

2) I'm certain that it's ok not to know what I want to be when I grow up. There is so much pressure to achieve. To succeed. I need to just be me. It's enough.

3) When things are going well, I must not anticipate a disaster. Just bloody well enjoy it.

4) When kak happens, remember that it's not forever. It will pass.

5) My children are growing up. Lightning fast. I need to treasure the time I have with them. They will be gone all too soon - following dreams and chasing their own adventures. And their father and I will no longer be the centre of their world.

6) I am ageing. It's a fact. I must stop being constantly surprised by it. My face is like the crinkly tinfoil that's been used to cover a lasagne. It's ok. It's life. It's a life lived. A good hearty life and a good hearty lasagne.

7) My health is important. It's a privilege. One of my biggest. I need to take care of it. Say yes to everything in moderation. Lovely floury carbs, oily samoosas, rich cheeses with buttery reds and lovely crisp whites. Oh yah and hearty lasagnes.

8) Not everyone likes me. Yeah, that blew me away too. But it's ok.

9) I need to be gentle. To others. And myself.

10) I don't need to earn time to myself. I shouldn't feel guilty about making more time for the things that interest me.

11) Keep singing in the car, dancing in the kitchen. Even when my children beg me to stop. Especially when my children beg me to stop.

12) As they say, the only certainty in life is change. I can't control change, but I can control my reaction to it. I need to be less of a psycho when change happens.

13) I must walk when I can walk. Note, I didn't say run. I'm not drunk. I need to walk. No matter the weather. It's great to be outdoors. It's great for the state of my mind. It's great for the state of my joints.

14) I should be a better friend. Be more engaged. Listen more. Speak less.

15) I don't always need to be right. Sometimes I just need to be kind.

16) There is no shame in falling apart every now and again. It's not a sign of weakness to admit I need help. And then to accept the help when it's offered. I'm really bad at that. Asking and accepting.

17) I'm a work in progress. It's why I'm called a human being. Not a human complete.

18 I should write more, but less, in this blog. It's highly entertaining, mostly for me, to have an actual record of all the crap  thoughts I've shared for over half a decade.

19) I should travel more. With my family. With my friends. With myself.

20) I need to remember that perfection is an illusion. I should strive instead to be imperfectly fine. And happy. With everything that I have. Right here. Right now. Because it's a lot.

*the person behind the lens of this picture is just as important
 to me in my 38th year as the three little people in it.